I'm Phillip🦈
I'm a

Headshot of Phillip Anerine

About Me

Hi there! I'm Phillip Anerine, a 4th year computer science undergrad at Stevens Institute of Technology, an aspiring full-stack software engineer and an avid coffee drinker. I'm passionate about all steps of creating software solutions to solve business problems. I've spent extensive time out of the classroom to learn modern frameworks and tools to create my projects that you can check out here. When I'm not coding, you can find me at the gym, a hike trail, or a rock concert. Feel free to reach out.


My Skills


As an integral building block of the web, I have used HTML extensively in my professional journey. I am proficient in utilizing HTML semantics to ensure that the content is accessible and SEO friendly. My understanding of elements, attributes, and the DOM allows me to create well-structured, efficient, and interactive web content.

My Projects


A web game where users try to name the most Animal Crossing villagers they can. Built with React and the external Nookipedia API. Here I learned how to optimize performance with React hooks and manage more complex state with useReducer and local storage.
Technologies used: /images/react.svg/images/html.svg/images/css.svg


A full stack web application for users to plan out when to meet up based on when everyone is available. This is done with an interactive time selector and calendar. This was done with a group using the MERN stack, and firebase for authentication. I was mostly responsible for the frontend and AWS deployment. I learned a lot about fullstack development and how to work with a team.
Technologies used: /images/react.svg/images/html.svg/images/css.svg/images/nodejs.svg/images/mongodb.svg/images/express.svg


A full stack web application that allows users to report provides information on a map for bikers. Allows users to rate different areas, report infrastructure issues, and view other users' reports. Has a route suggestion feature based on user ratings and Google Map information. This was done with a group using jQuery, Node.js, MongoDB, and Google Maps API. I was mostly responsible for interactive frontend client code. I learned a lot about the fundamentals of web development and project management. Note: This project could not made be public due to class policy.
Technologies used: /images/html.svg/images/css.svg/images/javascript.svg/images/nodejs.svg/images/mongodb.svg

Tipsy Drinks

A frontend focused web page that generates random drinks based on random data queried from a NoSQL database. This was done with React. I learned how to design a web page from scratch and how to use React.
Technologies used: /images/react.svg/images/html.svg/images/css.svg

Contact Me

I'm currently open to work in the NYC-NJ area or remote, and love tackling interesting problems. If you're interested in discussing potential roles, collaborating on a project, or even just chatting about the latest in technology, don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm always up for a good tech talk!
Feel free to reach out to me

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best, Phillip
